
A website must certainly have an intriguing graphic and interesting contents, but above all it must be high performing.

“If you know the enemy and yourself, your victory is certain”

This is what the Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tsu said in a famous treatise on military strategy. And we (even in peacetime …) start from here, from the application of this strategy. Alongside the evaluation of your positioning and your digital reputation, the analysis of your competitors (the “enemy”) plays a key role. In fact, thanks to the outcome of these evaluations, it is possible to acquire statistics related to traffic and users behavior and to extrapolate general data and information useful to outline the most valid marketing strategy, not just to optimize digital performance, but also to improve users experience.

Positioning strategies

In order to let your website acquire greater visibility, we can provide you with support in PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns planning and advertising.

An effective tool for positioning a website is represented in particular by GoogleAds, which allows you to appear among the first results of a specific search. The use of this platform also allows you to monitor any change in positioning to reach users looking for the service offered by their company, health facility or clinic.

What we do

  • Competitors analysis
  • GoogleAds strategy
  • PPC campaigns
  • Statistics and data processing
  • Drafting and editing contents for blogs on the website