
Optimizing a website to improve its positioning on the main search engines: this is the goal of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a strategy certainly applicable and indeed desirable, even in the medical-health field.

“Everyone's experience is everyone's treasure”

This maxim by the French writer Gérard Labrunie is also well suited to SEO optimization in the medical-health context. An effective SEO strategy, in fact, cannot be extemporaneous or improvised, but shall come from a careful analysis of the website structure and of its target audience to which it is intended. In this path, whose starting point is the analysis of users needs, it is essential to rely on the experience of specialized agencies and professionals: our team is able to provide SEO optimization strategies in full compliance with current regulations and principles of deontological ethics that regulate advertising in such a specific area as healthcare.

We will also be able to support you in the SEO optimization of your contents (which must be useful and updated), but also in the technical optimization of your website, of its structure and of the essential codes to ensure correct indexing by search engines.

What we do

  • Website structure analysis
  • Reference sector analysis
  • Conversion rate analysis
  • SEO code and website structure optimization
  • Contents SEO optimization and Continuous Analysis